Diego Rivera & Jennifer Tsuha
Julio Rojas & Wualexa Gonzalez
Jungtinė Karalystė
Winner of the “Lifetime Salsa Award” at the Berlin Salsa Congress 2019. Runner-up for “Best Tropical DJ” at the Lukas Awards 2018. Originally from Venezuela, DJ Tuli has been spinning salsa, mambo, guaguancó, cha-cha, bachata and other Latin sounds nationally and internationally, working for some of the best salsa organisers in the UK as well as co-hosting the popular radio show called “The Latin Explosion” broadcasted live from the Colourful Radio studios at the Africa Centre – London.
She also regularly DJs in the UK for the likes of:
- Mambo City (London)
- Pexava (London)
- Salsa, Bachata Social Club (Reading)
- House of Mambo (Watford)
- Salsatricity (Herts)
- Salsa Mish (St Albans)
And has been guest DJ in previous years for Palladium Mambo, Incognito Dance, SOS, Metrolatina, Salsa Contigo UK, Ritmo Latino, ABCD, as well has having had the privilege to DJ at one of London’s most famous club: Ministry of Sound.
On an international level, she has had the amazing opportunity of DJ-ing at some great European and other salsa festivals / events around the world such as:
- Mambo City’s 5 Star Salsa Congress (London)
- Berlin Salsa Congress (Germany)
- Salsa Spring Festival (Greece)
- Mzansi Cape Town Salsa Festival (South Africa)
- Salsa Beach Splash (Croatia)
- Salsa Addicted Festival (Romania)
- Irish Salsa Congress (Ireland)
- Scottish Salsa Festival (Scotland)
- Crystal Salsa Festival (Poland)
- Budapest Salsa Festival (Hungary)
- Berlin Salsa Convention (Germany)
- Power Salsa Festival (Slovenia)
- O’Sullivans (Paris)
- Salsa Latina Istriana (Croatia)
- Baltic Summer Festival (Lithuania)
- Prague Salsa Marathon (Czech Republic)
- Salsation Festival (Germany)
- Johannesburg Salsa Festival (South Africa)
Tuli started listening and dancing to Salsa music from an early age; passion for which only grew stronger after coming to the UK, performing regularly at a Salsa venue back in the early 90’s called “Down Mexico Way”….then in the 00’s she joined the Mambolifestyle Dance Company (directed by Irene Miguel) which also led to dance performances across the UK and abroad.
Although, DJ-ing has been a fairly recent undertaking for Tuli, this has been a thoroughly enjoyable learning curve & she is committed to continuously update her knowledge in Latin music scene and becoming a well accomplished DJ.
Patrick El Clasico
Eddie & Alina
Moe Flex
Jungtinė Karalystė
Moe Flex is one of the most exciting, inspiring and entertaining choreographers on the international Latin dance scene! With the biggest smile in salsa, his boundless enthusiasm for dance is impossible to ignore and he has gained his reputation through sheer determination and talent. As a leading authority in the field of dance, rhythm and body movement, Moe’s unique style of teaching is now recognised Internationally and he takes his workshops and shows to congresses and events all over the world. By adding his own personal touch to everything he does, Moe makes every dance experience a positive and memorable one and always leaves you wanting more. He really is an inspiring and motivational role model for all performing artists and celebrities and has worked with the likes of Rolldeep, Tim Westwood, 50 cent, Blu Cantrell, Craig David, Guy Ritchie & Madonna.
AwardsMost popular teacher award 2006-2012
Most popular show award 2006
Special recognition award 2010
Performers of the year award 2012
Most popular dance performers award 2013
Ovidijus & Toma / Salsa Kaunas
Suriname gimusio DJ Willy muzikiniai interesai – nuo disko ir house iki ritmenbliuzo ir latino. Už diskžokėjo pulto jis pirmą kartą atsistojo dar 1980 metais ir padėjo klubui, kuriame tuo metu grojo, išpopuliarėti visoje šalyje. Nuo 1992 metų DJ Willy gyvena Amsterdame. Jis groja įvairiuose klubuose ir renginiuose Olandijoje ir Belgijoje, šiose šalyse tapo bene populiariausiu salsos diskžokėjumi.
DJ Willy yra tekę pasirodyti vienoje scenoje su daugybe salsos įžymybių, jis yra dažnas svečias įvairiuose salsos festivaliuose ir klubuose visoje Europoje. Į Vilniaus salsos festivalį šis diskžokėjas atvyks jau šeštą kartą.
Willy yra vienas mėgstamiausių DJ Europoje, dėl kurio varžosi net didžiausi salsos festivaliai, tačiau jis visada noriai atvyksta į Vilnių.
Išskirtinis DJ Willy muzikinis skonis, sukaupta milžiniška muzikos kolekcija nepalieka abejingų, todėl vakarėliuose, kuriuose jis groja, šokėjai iš aikštelės neišeina iki ankstyvo ryto.
Latin Master
Leonard started his DJ carrier over 22 years ago but he is currently best known as DJ Latin Master on the salsa scene. Over many years of dancing in different countries, Leo created a unique style which he readily demonstrates through social dancing. Apart from great dancing skills, he is recognized as one of the best Salsa DJs in Holland. He has also performed in many European countries and a number of places around the globe spinning various styles of music from 60s and 70’s guaguanco to mambo, Cuban, New York salsa, Bachata and Kizomba.
Agnė su šokiais susipažino dar 2015 metais. Pradėjusi mokytis salsos, visai netrukus atrado bachatą bei pamilo kizombą ir su jos pagrindais susipažino Lietuvoje, vėliau įgūdžius tobulino užsienyje. Prisilietusi prie įvairios afro-latino muzikos per šokį ir 2017 metais baigusi DJ mokyklą, pradėjo groti. Rengė vietinius kizombos ir bachatos vakarėlius Lietuvoje, o nuo 2018 pradėjo groti užsienio šokių festivaliuose. Agnė iki šiol aktyviai prisideda prie kizombos šokio populiarinimo Lietuvoje ir groja Lietuvos bei užsienio festivaliuose. ,,Šokis yra geriausias būdas išjausti ir išreikšti muziką, o muzika yra neatsiejama priemonė šokiui įgyvendinti. Man socialiniai šokiai yra apie laisvę ir malonumą būti ryšyje su kitu. Muzika – didžiulė mano gyvenimo dalis, o galimybė ja dalintis su kitais, ją įprasmina. Jaučiu neapsakomą malonumą skleisti savo muzikos pajautimą, ypatingai kai mano parenkamos dainos atsiskleidžia šokyje.”
Prior to salsa, Rain was a heavy listener and collector of funk, soul, jazz and Brazilian music. Since getting to dance salsa, he has devoted himself entirely to this music genre. Rain started deejaying salsaa in January 2007, first at socials and then gradually in many salsa spots in Tallinn. Throughout this time, he has been growing with Estonian salsa scene, learning from it and pushing its musical boundaries. DJ at the London 2nd Sexy and Sensual Latin Dance Festival 2010, Latvia Salsa festival since 2010, Tallinn Salsa Festival 2009, 2010 and 2011, Vilnius Salsa festival since 2011, resident DJ at weekly salsa nights in Tallinn, also resident DJ at big monthly salsa events in Tallinn. It is with sheer joy and dedication that Rain shares his love for salsa music and its best/most passionate aspects with all the fellow-dancers!
Ieva aka Minis started djing officially just 4 year ago, with a successful guest mix debut on national radio show “Tropical Soundclash”.
Moving forward with her passion for music, Ieva now hosts the only radio show about Salsa music in Lithuanian – “Lit Salsa Show” on “World Salsa Radio”. She also became a part of “CoBeatParty” movement and is rapidly increasing her Salsa vinyl collecion.
She plays in every SalsaSisters event, gladly DJs for other salsa events in Lithuania and outside the country, gathering experience and inspiring dancers with her tender and graceful selections covering the full spectrum of salsa music.
The Joker Is Wild
DJ The Joker is Wild from yra aistringas salsos šokėjas ir didžėjus iš Rygos. Jis yra pamišęs dėl puertorikietiškos salsos, o savo didžėjaus karjerą pradėjo su vienais pirmųjų vakarėlių savo šalyje, dar 2007 metais.
Tomas & Gabrielė / Salsa One
Viktorija / Salsa Kaunas
Wey Dance Company
Sami Rodriguez
Kolumbija / JK
JJ Pachanga
Felipe Martinez / ElDeLaClaveSF
Jungtinės Valstijos
World Salsa Radio